The main objectives of this review are:

150+ screens viewed and examined

30+ screens were reviewed in detail
📔 Onboarding Process
📔 Other Flows

128 insights were written on the screens

50+ cups of coffee :)
Why PayPal?
Examining PayPal's onboarding process is an excellent opportunity to understand how users get started with a financial service and how this process impacts the overall user experience. Additionally, the practices of an industry leader like PayPal can serve as a reference point for other players in the industry.
In this report, we will comprehensively cover every aspect of PayPal's onboarding process, highlighting successful practices and potential areas for improvement in this process. Our goal is to ensure that this information provides valuable insights for other financial application developers, designers, and product managers and contributes to the fintech industry improving the overall user experience.
📔 First Impressions
📔 Key Messages and Visual Elements
📔 Navigation and Calls to Action
📔 Information and Education
📔 Trust and Security
📔 General Design and Aesthetics
📔 Additional Information
Walkthrough UX/UI Design FAQ
What role does color contrast play in the initial user experience?
How important is the duration and transition of the splash screen in the onboarding process?
Why are key messages and visual elements important during onboarding?
How do navigation and calls to action affect the user's journey through the app?
In what ways can information and education be integrated into the onboarding experience?
What is the significance of trust and security messages during onboarding?
How does general design and aesthetics influence the user's perception of the app?
What are some best practices for creating an effective walkthrough experience?
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Mobile Number Adding and Verification Process
📔 Step 1: Select Country or Region
📔 Step 2: Add Mobile Number Screen
📔 Step 3: Mobile Number Verification Screen
📔 Improvement Required
📔 Additional Information
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